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Feminized Cannabis Seeds
£31.99 | £22.39
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Delicious Candy Early Version Cannabis Seeds by Delicious Seeds
To obtain Delicious Candy, they crossed two of the best commercial genetics: Cheese, a unique female derived from SKUNK x KUSH which first appeared 1988-89 and which was cultivated somewhere in the "Chiltern Hills" by the squatter collective known as "Exodus" that was central to UK cannabis-related activity throughout the 90s. Its other parent is our Caramelo, which is a magnificent selection of the best exotic LAVENDER Indica and Sativa phenotypes (SUPER SKUNK – BIG SKUNK KOREAN – AFGHANI-HAWAIIAN). You'll be more than satisfied with the results! This vigorous strain produces large branches with plenty of lateral shoots laden with buds. The calyx/leaf ratio is great, making it very easy to manicure as well as keeping the buds better ventilated than other indicas with more foliage which means that it’s also more resistant to fungal diseases. The flowers will be extremely dense, and a layer of trichomes filled with a unique sweet cheese fragrance. The taste has an acrid backnote, like yeast or cheese, with hints of liquorice and caramel. Candy Early Version causes an initial euphoric sensation without being too cerebral followed by very relaxing and pleasurable state. This med is perfect for prolonged medicinal usage as its effect will enable you to get stuff done during the day although it might be a bit too narcotic for night time use or for states of relaxation.
Lineage: Caramelo x UK Cheese
Genotype: 20% Sativa / 80% Indica
Flowering time indoors: 45 days
Medicinal Value: Very High
Yields: 550 g/m2 indoor | Up to 1000 g/pl outdoor
Resistance to Mould: Very high
Resistance to Pests: High

Please Note: This content is for informational and educational use only. The Attitude Seed bank sells all seeds strictly for souvenir purposes or for storage and preservation of genetics in case the laws may change. We do not condone or encourage the germination of cannabis seeds and we will refuse a sale to anyone who leads us to believe they intend to use our products in an unlawful way.

  • Genetics: Caramelo x UK Cheese
  • Sex: Feminized
  • Flowering: Photoperiod
  • Type: Mostly Indica
  • Flowering Time: 45 days
  • Area: Indoor & Outdoor