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Feminized Cannabis Seeds
£37.99 | £26.59
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Eleven Roses Early Version Cannabis Seeds by Delicious Seeds

The original Eleven Roses parent plant's best qualities have been faithfully preserved in Eleven Roses Early Version, however, she has a much shorter flowering period. It is a pure Indica with a rather low structure that will develop indoors without many branches that end in a dense and uniform bud. Outdoors, she develops very vigorously with plenty of lateral branches. The colours will have a full range of beautiful fall hues throughout. This strain offers flavours that are sure to please any connoisseur; metallic flavour with sweet fruit and earthy notes. This excellent producer has high THC content and relatively low CBD.

Lineage: Eleven Roses x Ruderalis
Genotype: 100% Indica
Way of cropping: Indoor / Outoor
Maturation(Indoor): EARLY VERSION - 45 days
Maturation(Outdoor): mid-September
Production: 600 g/m2 Indoor | up to 2000 g/pl Outdoor
Flavour: Sweet fruit
Odour: High
Resistance to mold: Very high
Pest resistance: Very high
BHO Performance: 25%
Irrigation tolerance: High
Medicinal Value: High
Effect: Narcotic
THC: 24,8%

1st Prize BHO - Cannabis Cup - Lanzarote 2017
1st Prize BHO - Copa del Castillo - Tenerife 2017
1st Prize BHO - Biomenorcannabis - Menorca 2017
3rd Prize BHO - Copa Volcanna II - Lanzarote 2017
2nd Prize BHO - Copa Dabadoo - Mexico 2018
1st Prize Indoor - Copa del Mar - Argentina 2018
Special Prize - Copa Humos del Diablo - Uruguay 2018
1st Prize - Extracción con Solvente - Copa Esmeralda - Colombia 2019
3rd Prize BHO - Kushstock Festival - California 2019
1st Prize Outdoor - Copa Cannamex - 2019
2º Premio - Indoor - Copa cannabica Canguro - Uruguay 2019
1st Prize Outdoor - Copa Mendoza - Argentina 2019

Please Note: This content is for informational and educational use only. The Attitude Seed bank sells all seeds strictly for souvenir purposes or for storage and preservation of genetics in case the laws may change. We do not condone or encourage the germination of cannabis seeds and we will refuse a sale to anyone who leads us to believe they intend to use our products in an unlawful way.

  • Genetics: Eleven Roses x Ruderalis
  • Sex: Feminized
  • Flowering: Photoperiod
  • Type: Indica/Sativa
  • Flowering Time: 45 days
  • Height: Short
  • Area: Indoor & Outdoor