The World's Largest Cannabis Seed Superstore

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Next Generation Seeds

Next Generation Seeds

Next Generation Seed Company sprouted in 1997 and has a reputation as a reliable source of great quality and unique genetics. Next Generation seeds come with over a decade of experience in providing top quality weed seeds, professionally selected and proven within the market. They are continually growing, testing, and perfecting their strains, breeding with many of the best strains from the Pacific Northwest, Canada and around the world. They are the makers of “Avalon”, “BC Big Bang”, “Blue Dynamite”, and “Blueberry Punch”, to name a few. The latter of which is voted as among the “Top 10 strains of the Year, 2007” by High Times magazine. The “Avalon” earned its name because it can grow up to the size of a human being, approximately 5 feet tall, and is an ideal weed for outdoor planting. “Bonkers” is a unique strain bred in the wild forest of Canada, with a flowering period of only 45 days. The “Dynamite” is famous for its yield and bud which are both of high quality coming from the Indica strain.

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