The World's Largest Cannabis Seed Superstore

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Humboldt Seed Organization

Humboldt Seed Organization

Humboldt Seed Organisation takes their name from the epicentre of the marijuana industry in Northern California. Humboldt Seed Organization is a collective of growers and breeders working in the Humboldt area, producing high quality organic marijuana for dispensaries, collecting and testing seeds and clones of the best strains, researching into special medical strains and breeding the best cannabis genetics California has to offer. Their philosophy is to go as green as possible and is based on sustainable economy practices, including the use of only organic nutrients, the respect and integration with their environment, recycling all the waste, and helping local businesses by buying green and local. Their medical cannabis strains work well for medical marijuana (MMJ) patients and the whole HSO range of feminized cannabis seeds is available to buy at the Attitude Seedbank.

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