The World's Largest Cannabis Seed Superstore

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Positronics Seeds

Positronics Seeds

Positronics seed bank's story starts in 1985 when the first European grow shop was opened by Wernand Bruining. Positronics cannabis seeds found themselves to be amongst the most experienced cannabis breeders in the world and in 1996 Positronics shut down and the seed bank was divided between its workers. All of the original strains moved to Spain with Werner and he has carried on using his experience to create many more wonderful marijuana strains and hybrids. Positronics Seeds have produced such popular weed seeds as Blue Rhino, Caramelic and Purple Haze. Cannabis strain Cum Laude, the jewel in the Positronics crown, is created to maintain a stable supply of pure and potent sativa strains in marijuana market. Kulu Trading bought Positronics out a few years ago and so the Seed bank name has been changed to Kulu respectively. These The Attitude Seed Bank has the whole range of positronics marijuana seeds for sale on our website.

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