The World's Largest Cannabis Seed Superstore

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Mr Nice Seeds

Mr Nice Seeds

The Mr Nice Seed Bank is owned by Shantibaba and incorporates the talents of another equally experienced breeder collaborated with Howard Marks A.K.A Mr Nice (RIP). These individuals command a huge wealth of experience in producing weed seeds and have produced numerous winning strains since 1990, including such legendary strains as Northern Lights No. 5, NL5 x Haze, Super Silver Haze and White Widow. Mr Nice seedbank has been advocating the therapeutic values of cannabis for years - Cannabis is a produces 60 different cannabinoids and up to 200 different terpenes, a really unique cocktail of natural molecules that has been proven effective against Glaucoma, Epilepsy, Multiple sclerosis, Tourette syndrome, Rheumatoid arthritis, appetite stimulation and in pain therapy and Mr Nice Seeds Bank was formed for the purpose of spreading these most favoured cannabis strains and marijuana seeds. Genetic biodiversity is first put into the breeds that are the most favoured choices of those involved. The Mr Nice Seeds Bank’s facilities are entirely indoors and housed within pollen-proofed rooms in order to totally control the breeding factors. Indoor breeding by no means implies that the resulting seed is limited to indoor growth.
The full range of these cannabis seed are for sale on the Attitude Seedbank website.

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