The World's Largest Cannabis Seed Superstore

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SinCity Seeds

SinCity Seeds

In 2010, a small group of underground Las Vegas breeders set out to change grower’s perception of medical marijuana (MMJ) in seed form. The combination of their individual experiences and skills, along with their collections of the best elite clones from California and vast seed collections formed what is now known as Sin City Seeds. They practice true breeding techniques with meticulous male selection and testing for optimal results to bring you the best product possible. While Feminized seeds may be the trend right now, SinCitySeeds feel that the most effective way to truly express the best qualities in both parents is to use natural breeding techniques. With their first release the response was so overwhelming that they knew a market for their hard work and patience would exist. These medical cannabis strains have a good THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol) contents and are for sale on the Attitude Seedbank website.

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