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Feminized Cannabis Seeds
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Vision Seeds La Blanca Gold

La Blanca Gold is tall and branchy, with heavy crystal covered buds on each and every branch. Very suitable for outdoor growing even under less fortunate conditions because of her amazing mold resistance.
Outdoors she can grow as tall as 2.5 to 3 meters. Indoors she will feel right at home as well, Coco, hydroponics or soil, La Blanca Gold is very flexible and will do good in all.

With a very nice THC to CBD balance La Blanca Gold is a very good cannabis strain for medicinal use. La Blanca Gold is known to be very effective as a muscle relaxant and provides symptomatic relief of spasticity in MS. She's extremely effective against anxiety or stress and is often used to help control symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention.

Compared to Vision Seeds other strains La Blanca Gold ranks well when it comes to her all round Medicinal value.

La Blanca Gold is a very aromatic, a very pungent skunk smell right from the start. She has a pleasant smooth smoke with a sugar sweet taste.

Lineage: Super Skunk  x  Great White  x  Skunk #1
Genetics: 80% Indica / 20% Sativa
Medical value: Medium
Medical use: Stress relief, muscle relaxant and increase of appetite.
Effect: Very relaxing, slightly euphoric..
Location: Indoor / Outdoor / Greenhouse
Flowering (indoor): ± 63 Days (± 9 weeks)
Outdoor (harvest): Late September
THC: Very High (21%)
CBD: Medium
Yield (gr/m2): High (450 / 600)
Stature (cm): Bushy and tall (70+/250)
Grow difficulty: Medium

Please Note: This content is for informational and educational use only. The Attitude Seed bank sells all seeds strictly for souvenir purposes or for storage and preservation of genetics in case the laws may change. We do not condone or encourage the germination of cannabis seeds and we will refuse a sale to anyone who leads us to believe they intend to use our products in an unlawful way.

  • Genetics: Super Skunk x Great White x Skunk #1
  • Sex: Feminized
  • Flowering: Photoperiod
  • Type: Mostly Indica
  • Flowering Time: 63 days
  • Height: Short
  • Height: Short to Medium
  • Height: Medium to Tall
  • Area: Indoor, Outdoor and Greenhouse
  • THC: 21.00 %